Sunday, October 7, 2007

Postverbindungen: October 7, 2007

The Batman TV series of the 1960s was known for its campiness and deus ex utility belt, but how soon we forget the wisdom of the caped crusader:
Batman: "Cattail Lane and Nine Lives Alley. The Grimalkin Novelty Company is on that corner."
Robin: "Grimalkin? What kind of a name is that?"
Batman: "An obscure but nevertheless acceptable synonym for cat, Robin."
If I had a glass of milk, a webcam, and some Legos, I'd drink the milk, re-enact the Chocolate Rain video, and construct a wall. Friedrich Kirschner's 3-D Scanner shows that he is clearly smarter and more resourceful than I am.

Set your phasers on stun: Raytheon's Silent Guardian, a.k.a. the pain-ray gun.

Finally, what kid wouldn't love to have these plush toys as friends?

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