I found this on Thrasher this morning. Not that I condone how the kid acted but I thought it was interesting how the cop acted. Despite a level of acceptance there is still a big stigma attached to skateboarding. Part of it is cool that the stigma is still there, but it's reaching the point where it's walking a thin line between "fit in my back pocket" vs. full blown multi-zillion dollar demographic etc.
The attitude today very much seems like, "Skateboarding is cool in video games (EA Skate, Tony Hawk part 1 thru 390091491), sports channels (Xgames, dew tour, and anything sponsored by a deoderant brand), and MTV (Rob and Big, Life of Ryan, MADE). It's even cool to buy and even buy shares of the products. Whatever you do you better not be doing it in the real world."
Before this becomes a full blown rant, here's the video from the article:
Here's another one different place/people:
War of Currents Update
Been too long. Lazy. Ain't like anyone is be reading this.
TSLA technically in the lead if there were no dividends.
8 years ago
Holy sh!t on both videos. The Baltimore video was bad enough, but the national skateboarding one looked even crazier, I guess cuz that cop had two people in headlocks. Regardless of whether it was a girl or not, that was intense.
Before I saw the videos, I was thinking, "well, we don't know what the context was, what happened before and after, and ...", but, man, it's hard not to side with the kids in these cases. Some cops unfortunately have no better way to display their authority.
Also, it's funny how the "dude" is in the middle of saying "if I see this on YouTube..." before the video cuts off.
Speaking of skateboarding... I was in L.A. and I noticed large L shaped hunks of metal affixed to ledges of concrete all over the place. Huh? Then it dawned on me what they were for. They are spaced regularly along "runs" of the edges of objects to stop skateboarding tricks. Then I attended a re-opening of a park in Lake Forest along Serrano road and all of the concrete ledges had these hunks of metal bolted on spaced about every two feet. There are not a garish orange color as in L.A. but an unpainted silver color but they still don't look good. The explosion in liability issues may ruin everything eventually.
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