Saturday, January 9, 2010

Video Game School

It's not a school where kids learn to play video games, but rather a school where kids learn by playing video games.

Popular Science profiles Quest to Learn:
Ever since Pong, videogames have outperformed teachers in one key way: They command attention for hours. “Games are exceptionally good at engaging kids,” says Quest’s main designer Katie Salen, a game designer and technology professor at the New School university. “They drop kids into complex problems where they fail and fail, but they try again and again.” She knew, though, that when kids face tough problems in school, they sometimes just give up, which is partly why only a third of eighth-graders earn “proficient” math scores on national assessment tests.
For now, the school is 6th grade only, but it hopes to add a class each year until it is a full 6th-12th grade facility. Is this the future of education?

[via Neatorama]

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