To save you all the trouble of searching around for the film blogs with "exclusive" embeds of each video, here are the links to all the available parts, which can be viewed directly on Fox Searchlight's site:
- Full Interview
- Part 1: Directing The Wrestler (topmost video)
- Part 2: TBA
- Part 3: Camera Technology
- Part 4: Directing Style
- Part 5: Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei
- Part 6: The "Millionaire" Game Show Rights
- Part 7: Film Development
The clips really show why Aronofsky chose a cinematographer with a documentary background, as well as the pressures of shooting in such a chaotic environment, without having the safety net of doing many takes.
Update 2009/03/01: I can't find Part 2 on Fox Searchlight's website, but they now have a version where everything is in a single video, so I've added the link to that along with the link to Part 1.