Friday, December 14, 2007

Website : TED - ideas worth spreading

An interesting web site offering short video talks, tutorials and short courses with outlines and such.

Talks Vilayanur Ramachandran: A journey to the center of your mind.

1 comment:

murtini said...

I wonder how people get invited to join TED. I started hearing about the conference on the web for the first time a few years ago, but all that was available then were attendees' notes on their blogs (and some presenters' notes on their websites). I thought to myself, "man, just being at one of these probably makes you smarter by osmosis". Then they started posting the "TED Talks" in 2006 (I think), and I was like, "wow, they must really be smart if they know enough to start giving some of it away for free!" :-)

Here's one of the funnier ones, given by Ze Frank: