Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ken Lee by Valentina Hasan

Mariah's response to the video was, "I applaud anyone who can perform in front of an audience."

Miss Hasan got better though:

The original version was so popular, you can support it here.

1 comment:

murtini said...

Mariah Carey is a class act. I base that statement solely on her responses to this video and her recent quotes about what it means to pass Elvis in number of Billboard #1 singles.

I always feel sorry for these Idol "rejects", since they're lied to in the early stages just to get them to make fools of themselves on TV. But for every person who laughs at these performances, there's another who is inspired by their "heart", so perhaps it evens out. As long as the singers themselves don't fall into a downward spiral ...