Friday, September 28, 2007

Ridley Scott on Blade Runner

Wired has an interview with Ridley Scott about Blade Runner: The Final Cut [full transcript]. Warning: it contains major spoilers, so if you have never seen the film, put down your internet right now and go watch it.
And when Roy Batty came out of the phone booth, for some bizarre reason we never noticed that somebody's thumb was in the bottom left-hand corner. The phone booth had an automatic door and I couldn't de-automate it, and I was getting really beaten up 'cause we were up against the gun, so I just shot. And there was the bloody thumb in the frame. It's little mistakes like that that you're tempted to leave in. It's a signature that says, yes, it is fiction, it is moviemaking.
Update: Greencine Daily links to more articles on The Final Cut.

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